Zander is an animated stop-motion TV series, that tells the story of Mila, Leo, and Zander, a curious robot created by his two friends in their secret Club. Every episode is inspired by a question that the characters have about what it means to be human, sending them on fantastic quests that will take them to new and amazing enigmas.
I was tasked with the character design of the main chractera, which was really challenging since this was my first time designing a character that would ultimately become a puppet. I had to design the pieces overlapping the internal skeleton, and work around mechanisms for their eyelids, changing faceplates for expressions, and different materials for hair and clothing, trying to maintain that cartoony appeal of my firsts 2D designs.
Writers & Creators
Stefania Malacchini
María Luisa Furche
Enrique Ortega
Executive Producers
Allan Bortnic
Pablo Arias Daud
Art Director
Hugo Covarrubias
Animation Director
Matías Delgado
Character Design
Felo Lira
Manada FX
Compositing & Editing
Enrique Ortega
Color Grading
Gigante Azul
Voice Actors
Camila Paris
Javiera Astudillo
Lucía Suárez
Sound & VFX
Castillo Subterraneo
Ricardo Rojas